Seeking outperformance through spread product exposure
Shortly after the firm’s founding in 1978, Washington Capital began managing fixed income strategies. We offer products across the credit and maturity spectrum including: Core, Core-Plus, High Yield, Intermediate-Maturity and Limited-Maturity. While WaCap’s Core strategy is available as a commingled fund*, the remaining options are offered as separate account portfolios.
We believe that spread products (non-treasury securities, especially corporate bonds) offer investors the opportunity to add incremental returns versus government securities over various interest rate cycles. As such, our fixed income investment process seeks to add value by overweighting spread product securities. Portfolio duration is limited, and sector exposure limits are actively maintained to add value while controlling risk.
Investments in credit bonds entail credit risk which is directly related to the borrower and their credit history/credit standing and ability to make their payments. Securities sold before its final maturity might realize a total return that is different from its original yield. Securities are not guaranteed, and you could lose money on your investments. We work with our clients to understand their tolerance for risk.
Fixed Income Services
Our Team
Members of our fixed income team can be located by following the link below.